Major Acts of Kindness for Everyone

make-reducedGas. Electricity. Kindness.

Major Energy is proud to introduce Major Acts of Kindness for Everyone (M.A.K.E.). In a world where “doing the right thing” seems harder and harder to find, Major Energy is now making it part of their mission to recognize and reward acts of kindness. Through nominations sent in to, Major Energy will reward acts of kindness with t-shirts, LED light bulbs, gift cards, and other surprises. These simple acts of paying it forward will allow Major energy to reward big and little acts that might otherwise go unnoticed.

We look forward to sharing stories and acts of kindness from all over and hope you’ll be inspired to do the same. Because that’s the ultimate goal…a little more kindness everywhere. So if by paying it forward to someone for their act of kindness we’re able to help inspire another act of kindness elsewhere, that’s a win and we’re thrilled to be part of the process.

So let’s hear your stories. Who in your neighborhood shovels the driveway for the older folks? Who always says “no problem” when you need a favor? Who helped you reach items off the top shelf? Who’s donating their time to help the homeless? Big or small, these acts and ones just like them make a positive difference in people’s lives. They make a MAJOR difference. And now, as we learn about them, we’re saying THANK YOU. We’ll reward your act of kindness with a Major Act of Kindness of our own.

Share your stories with us at

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