Major Promise

We, the employees of Major Energy, make to you the following promise:

We PROMISE to work hard every single day at making sure we are providing you the best of our energy expertise and the best service we can. You deserve nothing less.

We PROMISE we will treat you with courtesy and respect every time we communicate with you. You are not only our customers, but you are also part of our family.

We PROMISE we will work every day to make sure you agree with us that you made the right decision in choosing Major Energy.

We PROMISE to be the perfect energy company. However, we are human too and therefore it’s possible we’ll goof on occasion. When we do, we PROMISE to own up to our mistakes quickly and move fast to rectify the situation.

We PROMISE to listen. If you think we should do something different or you have a better way for us to do anything, we want to hear from you and listen to your ideas.

Lastly, we PROMISE every day to live up to the ideals on which this company was founded: Be the energy supplier that cares, provide superior customer service and work to ensure customer satisfaction 100% of the time.

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